Our Ministries
Eucharistic adoration is our main apostolate and the reason for which our congregation was started. We foster the spirit of Eucharistic devotion in others through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, by conducting Eucharistic retreats, conventions and symposiums. We engage actively in parishes by giving Catechism classes, making house visits and participating in prayer meetings. SABS Associates, Eucharistic Youth Wing and Eucharistic Centre are three different wings of the Adoration Congregation to spread Eucharistic devotion among lay people. During the centenary year of 2008, almost all provinces published books, CDs, cassettes, posters etc. to foster Eucharistic culture.
One hundred years back, our Founder exhorted us that each day every SABS should have a Holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament praying for the salvation of all and paying reparation for the sins of the whole world. Today, we have 89 perpetual adoration centers where we offer continuous Eucharistic adoration, offering glory and praise to Jesus and interceding for the whole world. We help people to deepen their faith and to have God experience by encouraging them to participate in the Eucharistic adoration. The world today sees Eucharistic Adoration as the single solution for the increasing man-made terrorisms, natural disasters, and unknown diseases and also for the unending problems of poverty, consumerism, selfishness and violence. We accept invitations from Bishops to start perpetual adoration centers in Cathedrals of various dioceses also to intercede for the whole world.
We have Eucharistic centers attached to our houses and institutions in order to develop a Eucharistic culture based on Gospel values and to attract all especially the children and youth, to the Eucharistic Lord. We were able to organize ‘Angel’s Meet’ in most parishes in connection with the Centenary celebrations of the congregation in 2008. Eucharistic Youth Wing focuses youngsters and conducts retreats, adorations, seminars and also cultural programs for them. SABS Associates is an organization of secular people operating in our congregation under the auspices of the Eucharistic centers. Its aim is to instill in people spirituality, centered on the Eucharist, so that they become promoters of Eucharistic devotion. Our sisters work very closely with the Associates as members of the same family, sharing with them the spirituality and mission of our congregation.
The sisters take part in the various activities of the parish and lead the parish community to the communion of the church. They take active participation to give religious instruction to the youth and children to deepen their Catholic faith and to impart the teachings of the church to them. They prepare children and adults to receive the sacraments, with devotion. The sisters take part in the various associations in the parish and many a times take full responsibility over these associations to train the people to be active members of the parish church by their guidance and direction. Preparing altar boys to take part in the Divine Liturgy with devotion is also taken as a responsibility of the sisters. Also the sisters visit the families to conduct family prayers and to see to the various needs of the people. In our parishes we engage in acts of mercy as parish nurses, by seeing the distorted face of Christ in the sick, suffering and dying of the parish.
Every year we conduct Eucharistic conventions which are aimed at fostering Eucharistic culture and promoting Eucharistic devotion. These conventions are arranged in different provinces to make the divine mercy of the Eucharistic Lord known to all. People from all walks of life attend these enriching programs which help them to lay the foundation of a life based on Eucharistic spirituality. We the Adoration sisters celebrate the Feast of the Corpus Christy as our Congregation Day. It is a day which we use to reflect our true spirit by conducting solemn Eucharistic processions, symposiums and other enriching programs for the people of God. We have Eucharistic retreat teams in each province to deepen youth and other people in Eucharistic spirituality.
Our apostolate in the field of education is a call to take part in the teaching mission of the Church. True education is directed towards the development of personality, in view of the ultimate end of man. In our schools we create an atmosphere conducive to share the Eucharistic spirit and to help the evangelization process. We help our young to develop healthy personalities with higher values and to assimilate the profound qualities of Jesus Christ
In our schools we have centers that provide guidance and counseling. We give our students appropriate sex education and find ways to save the children from social evils such as drinking, smoking, drug addiction etc.
We work towards the spiritual and temporal betterment of the families, villages and even nations through the education of girls. We conduct technical schools, hostels and institutions from nursery schools to colleges. Through these we prepare the young women to become good wives, mothers and citizens. Our Founder, The Servant of God Thomas Kurialacherry has long before written: "By renewing and bettering families, countries and localities through girl's schools, we can draw them most effectively to God".
Our sisters exhibit their excellence in the field of education by securing many awards and honors in the national and state level. Every year many of our sisters secure the Best Teacher Award, Best NSS Officer award, Model Teacher Award etc. Our schools get the Best School Award, due to the praiseworthy efforts of our sisters who run them.
Taking inspiration from the life of Jesus who travelled throughout doing good to all we help the poor, the orphans, the beggars, the oppressed, the exploited and the needy around us. We lead them to total liberation and self-sufficiency through preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and developmental programs.
We run institutions for the mentally, physically and socially challenged - blind, deaf, street children, destitute and orphans, old and terminally ill etc. So as to help the poor around us to become economically independent, we run technical training institutions of cutting and tailoring, embroidery, computer etc. We try to raise the standard of education of the poor around us through adult education, literacy classes, remedial education, condensed classes and free tuition etc.
We run social welfare institutions to rehabilitate victims of social evil and undertake formal and informal programs to eradicate the pain, misery, and poverty of the people around us and help them to experience the joy and peace of redemption. Our sisters serve in the rehabilitation centers for the HIV patients, participate in jail ministry, and provide spiritual animation and rehabilitation facilities to sex-workers and their children.
It is in the home where life is welcomed, protected and nurtured. We teach people about the importance and sacredness of family life and convince them of their responsibilities to build a good home based on mutual love and respect. Efforts are taken to restore the broken families by reconciling those in conflict. We work for the welfare of all the families regardless of caste and creed. Following the instructions of our Founder, we lay the foundation for good families by helping girls in their character formation and personality development.
The SABS sisters sacrifice their life and time to render services to the poor, the aged, mentally retarded, handicapped, the orphans, the beggars and the oppressed in various places. Every province has one or two institutions of this kind to uplift and alleviate the pains and struggles they are enduring. Jail ministry is another aspect of social service the sisters are involved in to help them out in their loneliness and bring about a ray of hope in their lives by focussing their attention to the abundant mercy of God. The sisters who are working in Nepal and Kenya take care of the Aids affected children and the people who have no one to look after. The sisters who are in the mission areas organize various schemes for the upliftment of the poor, the women etc. They lead them to a state of self-sufficiency by organizing different welfare programs me for them and thus raising their moral, social and financial status. The sisters give leadership in Mahila Mandals, saving schemes and literacy programs.
The zeal to share Eucharistic love urges us to go for mission work in any part of the world. Taking into account the needs of the church in India and abroad, we engage in mission work. We manifest our Eucharistic life in the context of the Church's teaching, oriental spirituality, and elements of Indian culture compatible with Catholic doctrine.
With the Good News of salvation, we go to any part of the world to make the Eucharistic Lord known to all the people by our presence and ministries. We accomplish this through evangelization, corporate works of mercy, and developmental programs. In our missionary works our preferential option is to work in the developing countries among the poor, sick, illiterate, oppressed and the needy. Sharing the fruits of our Charism, we bring them to Eucharistic Jesus, the answer to all our problems.
The congregation has houses in almost all the states of India as well as in countries like Nepal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Kenya, Tanzania, Ukraine and U.S.A. The missionary activities which started in 1965 paved the way for the sisters to start houses in all the Indian states to proclaim the good news and to make the Eucharistic Lord known, loved and adored by all, always and everywhere. The sisters are open to the needs of the church in India disregarding the place, race, caste and creed to offer themselves for Evangelical work. They are engaged in the field of education, healing ministry and social services of various kinds. Marvelous was the development and faster was the stride ever since 1965 as far as the congregation is concerned.
We have 6 provinces and 5 vice-provinces in mission areas, of which Sion ministries, East Africa is situated in the African countries of Kenya and Tanzania. About 23% of our total sisters are engaged in mission works. The dedication and commitment the sisters show in their apostolate reflect in the vocations we get from the mission areas. Our services in mission areas are mostly rendered in Mentally Challenged Schools, Old Age Homes, Orphanages, AIDS Care Centers, Juvenile Homes, Deaf and Dumb Schools etc.
Recently more importance is given to missionary works. We have dedicated sisters who have opted for global mission, and recruited candidates too who are interested are given formation with this in mind. Sisters very selflessly come forward and take up the challenges that this apostolate puts forward. The convent started in Ukraine in 2003 was taken up in a global mission perspective. We have already a ministries in the African continent. In the European countries too, we are engaged in Perpetual Adoration, Pastoral work, Faith Formation etc.
The main goal of our healing ministry is the proclamation of the Good News that life is worth living because it is a precious gift from God. The objective of this ministry is to respond to all those who are in need of healing in the holistic sense and to be sensitive to the needy and committed to serve the poor. We treat all human beings from conception to natural death with deep respect and care. Following the steps of the Good Samaritan, we commit ourselves to the ministry of the sick with tenderness and compassion. Seeing the Eucharistic Lord in the faces of the physically, mentally and spiritually wounded, we give them the compassionate touch of the Lord and try to help them to regain their natural health.
We make our ministry to the sick, a continuous adoration. We draw all to the Holy Eucharist, the nectar of the sick, the refuge of the weak and the bread of life, through our merciful dealings and unselfish love.
We run hospitals, dispensaries and primary health centers to take care of the sick through curative and preventive methods. We work in various capacities such as doctors, administrators, educators, nursing staff, paramedical staff such as pharmacists, Lab-Technicians, X-ray Technicians etc. We undertake this ministry regardless of caste, creed, religion and economic status by working in the hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, mobile clinics and other outreach programs. Sisters in mission areas give much care to interior villages where medical facilities are not available at all. The sisters thus bring about healing to the sick, and give Eucharistic Love to each one of them and draw them to the Divine Savior in the Eucharist with their tenderness and care.
Sisters working in hospitals arrange blood donation camps, free medical camps, blood group determination camps, cataract detection and surgery, asthma detection camps etc for the public. We run pain and palliative care units which take care of patients infected with cancer, HIV/AIDS, those who are bed-ridden etc. Sisters organize awareness classes and extension programs for the economically backward classes. Our sisters go to houses in parishes to dress the wounds and bath patients who have none to take care of. They prepare these patients to receive sacraments also.
We run pastoral care units attached to our hospitals, which help patients and their relatives to attain mental and spiritual health. In mission areas our sisters give awareness classes in meetings of Health Workers and Mahila Mandals. Free Medical camps, Mother and Child programs, TB eradication programs, Malnutrition prevention classes also are organized by us.
SABS sisters also co-operate with the entire Church in its efforts to give healing to the sick especially to the poor in the various parts of India. Sisters give health education to the people in the villages. People are given instruction concerning the prevention and care of diseases, promotion of health and first aid. They are made aware of the value of Homeopathy, Nature care and herbal medicines and instructions are given on how to use them instead of costly allopathic medicines, which are harmful to the body.